dinsdag 18 december 2018

Waterline problems.... meet Lance and his A-Team..

 Report by "happy customer" Han de Bruyn Kops and his Condor..  https://teamhan.blogspot.com/


Got into trouble with waterline..

Yard manager Lance with his crew Omar and Marlon really made an effort tot fix it..

Final results when back in water...

So Lance very happy with him self starts explaining..

"We are like the A-Team..  "


'I love it when a plan comes together...  
and You apparently even do it for free Lance..."

Lance then admitted that A-team might not be the best example in this case..

Cheers Boys,

soon we will see and know 'Waterline cus6' when back in water...

Anti fouling is going on now..  Splash 2morrow maybe but day after for sure..

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